Tuesday, 6 October 2015

Sound Analysis


This scene starts off with non - diegetic,  music which is quite calm and relaxed, this is non - diegetic as the characters can't hear this music playing in the movie. However, the scraping of the glass as Hancock pulls it out from under the bench is diegetic. Also, the explosion as Hancock flies off is  diegetic, in contrast the music being played as Hancock is flying non - diegetic and is a completely different type of music genre, in comparison to the beginning, which sets the tone for the rest of the scene. Furthermore, the non - diegetic music being played in the background is parallel to the scene, as its quite rebellious which matches the actions of Hancock. Even though there is non - diegetic music being played as Hancock is flying, there is also diegetic sounds being played at the same time, for example, you can hear the sounds of the birds screeching, along with the aeroplane's engine. Once, again music that is quite playful is is resumed as the car comes to a stop, and sets a comical theme for the rest of the scene. Finally, even though its quite faint, you can still hear the news reporter from the aeroplane, which is also diegetic

Furthermore, there is contrapuntal music played in the beginning. This is contrapuntal as it doesn't really fit in with the scene. Its quite western and this scene was shot in the city, therefore is seen as contrapuntal. In addition, the music being played as Hancock is flying is parallel, as its portrays what kind of man Hancock is, as its rebellious music, Furthermore, it sets quite a sets a fast pace for the rest of the scene. 

In addition, I don't think there's a sound bridge in any part of this scene. As the music is played as soon as the visual image has change, and there isn't any smooth transitions, and none of the other sound effects are played before the next scene.

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